about Your Coach

Over the past 11 years, I have worked with adults of various ages, experience levels, and stages of life to improve their health, fitness, and nutrition to create lasting changes towards their vision of optimal health.


I am a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach. I am also an OPEX Fitness CCP coach, Precision Nutrition Level 1 certified nutrition coach and a CrossFit Level 2 trainer. In addition to aerobic and strength training, I have been practicing yoga for more than 25 years. I love exploring new physical pursuits and in recent years I have incorporated tennis into my training.

Living in Brooklyn, I enjoy the parks, art, music, and vibrant community that the city has to offer. I also spend my time weightlifting, practicing yoga and meditation, and trying to get better at tennis. While I seize every opportunity to explore the world beyond NY, you will typically find me riding my bike or walking around the city’s many neighborhoods strapped into my backpack.

my story

It was a winding road that brought me to health and fitness coaching. It began with feeling that my physical and mental state kept falling to the bottom of the list and that I was out of place in my career. As I navigated my way to improving my own fitness, I noticed I could pay closer attention to other aspects of my life in a similarly structured, non-dogmatic way. Improving my own fitness, and ultimately discovering my broader health vision was a gradual transition that involved trial and error, new exercises, nutritional changes, and a greater appreciation for sleep among other things. The most meaningful adjustments did not happen in the gym. These changes prompted a new outlook on my professional life as well.  The common thread that paved the way for this transition was consistency and a penchant for helping others. It wasn't until I decided to coach other individuals that I finally fell in love with my work.


Athletics has been a part of my life since childhood. I played team sports through high school and began practicing yoga in college at Brown University. After graduating I began the quest for a fulfilling career, working in public relations at Burson-Marsteller and later at The Atlantic Philanthropies. Still looking for the right fit, I moved on to restore and redevelop historic properties, during which time I had two baby girls. It was while commuting multiple hours a day and rushing home to my family that I made the decision to "get fit again" and realign how I spent my days. Focusing on my health also turned out to be a career changer.

My second daughter was only a few months old, and suddenly I felt that I couldn't coast on high school athleticism any longer; I didn't feel as strong or as physically capable as I wanted to feel. At this point, I had never touched a barbell and a pull-up seemed impossible. Nothing happened fast, but none of it was painful. I discovered I love weightlifting, that I am capable of a lot more than I had thought, and that doing even the smallest thing that I could not do before has a remarkably positive ripple effect. Above all, I found that I love sharing what I’ve learned with others, partnering with them to make changes in their own lives, and learning from them along the way.