
kate, 46
GOAL: safely maintain and improve fitness

Lauren is a wise, thoughtful person and incredible athlete. She continually seeks out new knowledge and training so that she can provide more insight and information to her clients. She is a delight and an inspiration, and I feel fortunate to work with her. 

I have a varied but inconsistent athletic background but have always loved exercise. I began working out at a Crossfit gym in 2010, where in addition to group classes I occasionally sought out one-on-one training to work on specific skills, recover from injuries, etc. I stopped taking classes and started training with Lauren in 2017 when I was 43. Through the workout program she designs for me, I have grown and maintained strength, flexibility and endurance. She has gradually incorporated nutrition and other lifestyle elements into our monthly consultations, and now provides me with holistic health guidance, helping me maximize my ability to take on new challenges of all kinds.

Tom, 54
GOAL: IMPROVE overall fitness, lose weight

I turned 50 with both some dread and some good intentions regarding fitness and health -- but no real plan nor even a shred of discipline. Within Lauren's bespoke and holistic approach to fitness, I found both -- a nuanced, informed strategy tailored to achieving my specific fitness goals, and a thoughtful, creative, challenging approach to coaching able to reliably and consistently guide me towards comprehensive health.  A year later, I've lost weight, found more energy, and am more fit in more ways.


My wife and I have been clients of Lauren's for the better part of a year. Lauren is a fantastic fitness coach, the best we've ever worked with. She is deeply knowledgeable, easy to talk to, and always organized and prepared. She works hard to understand her clients' goals and preferences, and expertly tailors workouts to them. Whatever your fitness objectives, I can't recommend Lauren's services highly enough.

akoto, 37
GOAL: support health and fitness

Whether you have very specific fitness goals in mind, or whether you are just trying to figure it all out, Lauren is an outstanding partner to have with you on your journey. She is truly a health and fitness force!

I worked with Lauren during two major points in my life: first, in 2016, in the lead up to my wedding, and again in 2018 after a devastating injury that changed my relationship with exercise. It was also in the aftermath of my injury that I decided to go through the messy but necessary process of breaking up with weight loss as a primary goal for my health and fitness.

This kind of change is hard and complicated, but Lauren was more than willing to get messy. To me, this is what makes her a truly exceptional health coach. Without any judgement, she helped me steer my ship and sort through all the feelings and revelations that were driving these changes in me. She was patient, thoughtful, tender, and understanding. She wasn't just a coach, but a true partner who helped me figure out what health and fitness means for me. And she is incredibly knowledgeable — I could barely keep up with all her certifications! She is always learning and sharing new ideas and approaches with her clients. So by extension, her clients are always learning too, which keeps things fun.

Rebecca, 30
GOAL: Gain Strength and stay healthy

I love how every workout is structured (warmup, strength-training, and cardio), and how Lauren thinks about my holistic goals and reacts to how I’m feeling that day. Lauren is very knowledgeable and encouraging. She does not judge or say I “should” want to do anything, but she also keeps me motivated by challenging me when she knows I can handle something.

China, 35


Lauren is incredible at fitting workouts to individual needs - I was 3 months pregnant when I started training with her, and I was able to keep up rigorous (but appropriate!) workouts until the day before I gave birth and then easily get back into it 8 weeks later. She is a great motivator, obsessed with good form so I'm able to push myself without any fear of injury, and, most importantly, with her help I have gotten fantastic results. 

AMy, 34 
GOAL: make athletics a priority again

I'm a former athlete and love being physically active and challenging myself, but I lost my motivation and couldn't seem to find time among my other commitments and goals. Lauren helps me stay inspired and focused and keeps my movements safe and accurate, whether it's core work or conditioning. She has helped me find a balance between work and fitness and has trained me to learn form and technique on barbell lifts and other CrossFit exercises. She makes my workout time more effective, instead of the way I used to kill myself with cardio in the past with far inferior results.  

Lauren has been a driving force behind reigniting my training, rekindling my love for fitness and improving my nutrition. She makes me feel connected and accountable. Her enthusiasm and genuine interest in my well-being makes it fun and makes me feel engaged. I highly recommend working with Lauren if you're looking to find a way to integrate fitness into your life. She opens you up to so many options of how fitness can fit in to your schedule and be a great addition to, not a burden on, your life.

Justine, 39 and Mandi, 38

mandi, 38
GOAL: increase strength and make overall lifestyle changes to improve health

Lauren really knows how to work at my (in)ability level without being boot-campy or sing-songy-- it's like going to the gym with another mom friend who knows just how hard it is to fit exercise into your busy life. She also works with the whole package and talks to you about nutrition and massage and rest and work-life balance and general wellness. Despite myself, I really have gotten stronger and faster and healthier, even in the first 10-ish weeks of working together.  And her rates are very reasonable.  It took me forever to just take that step, and now I feel like I'm on the road to something sustainable!  


I am not an athlete and was always the last one to be picked in any sport growing up.  For the first time in my life I have gained confidence in what I can accomplish physically, and it feels great. Lauren inspired me to think of my eating habits as nutrition as opposed to another diet and exercising as a way to get fit instead of lower the number on the scale.  

I've tried many diets and have always based how I feel for the day on what the scale told me that morning.  Starting with simple exercises and basic nutritional changes and having Lauren to encourage me and to be accountable to before veering off my path throughout the week has been a big help in changing how I feel. Lauren makes my fitness goals feel attainable and fun. I believe anyone would benefit from working with her to get on the right track with their fitness.


Over the last few years I started walking and doing pilates a couple times a week, but  I still noticed that I gain weight more easily as I get older. I also started feeling myself getting weaker,  less confident in basic activities and unable to play with my grandchildren the way I wanted to. Rather than accept this as a part of aging, I began working with Lauren to improve my strength and to maintain my clothing size.  I was surprised when she was less interested in how long I stayed on the treadmill than she was in how much sugar I was eating and how little sleep I had been getting.  

With Lauren's guidance and training, I began exercising more regularly and realized there are many other exercises beyond walking and pilates videos. Lauren has been a resource and an inspiration to me. I feel stronger, more flexible and more confident. Many of the exercises we do were brand new to me. She carefully explains and demonstrates each exercise and gives me clear feedback on what I'm doing and how to work more efficiently. She helped me to pinpoint two adjustments to my nutrition, which were simple and have made a big difference. I feel more comfortable in my clothes and notice my arms are firmer and more toned. 

I have also found that I get excited about my latest achievements, which is new for me. When I started I could barely do a push up against the wall, two months later I'm on the floor doing push-ups from my knees and looking forward to what's next.

CAM, 50 

I have never liked working out, but as I turned 50, I wanted to make sure that I didn't lose strength and flexibility. I dreaded getting started, but there was no reason for dread. Lauren is warm and encouraging, and I look forward to my sessions with her. She tailors my workouts to address my concerns. Her goals are ambitious but realistic, and I gain strength and flexibility with every session. I would recommend Lauren to anyone who wants a personalized, effective and enjoyable workout.


kathy, 38
GOAL: develop a foundation in crossfit, INCORPORATE fitness IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY

My first encounter with CrossFit took place on a particularly hot and humid Memorial Day when I dragged my then eight-months-pregnant self to Prospect Park to cheer my husband on as he did Murph. I watched a dozen or so people, many wearing weight vests, do a workout that I thought was borderline inhumane, and then collapse into heaps of sweat and muscle. “You’d like CrossFit. You should try it after the baby comes," my husband had said in the months before.  

It took me almost 7 years to work up the nerve, and perhaps too, to get over that initial impression. When I did, I knew that I’d need a gentle start. Lauren gave me exactly that. She coached me through the foundations cycle at my own pace. She explained and demonstrated every step of all the movements that were new to me, giving me cues that were consistently on-target and encouragement that was not annoying. I decided to keep working with her after foundations. I leave every session feeling proud of what I have done but still wanting to do better next time. She is careful to note not only the amount of weight I move or the number of reps I do, but also my comfort and confidence level with each skill. She also keeps me accountable in between sessions throughout the week with customized workouts that I do on my own—something I find invaluable. I may not be ready for a full Murph come May, but it no longer seems so daunting.